About Me

Hi, my name is Brandon and I am learning how to be a web developer. This is my first portfolio site to show off my progress learning CSS and HTML using Bootstrap. You will find that this site is incredibly responsive because I wrote it using almost exclusively bootstrap so that all the containers and their rows and columns keep a similar layout even if the viewport is changed. I have placed some links to my various social media profiles and my github if you are interested in seeing and learning more about me. Although I do not have enough work on my portfolio to show, I do have pictures of my adorable cat Flora. I have learned that having a cute cat is just as important as coding for successful web developers. I find that Flora is exceedingly cute and I hope that she makes up for my current lack of additional work.

While I am also learning web development I am currently a DevOps Release engineer with San Jose State Research Foundation working at NASA AMES. I have previously worked at Apple doing employee technical training for the silicon valley market. In my spare time I enjoy all things tech, taking photos of landscapes and my cat and eating delicious food with my wonderful wife.

Email: Btabaska@gmail.com || Phone: 1-(650)-776-6418